Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Beloved kitty MOOSE April 2006-February 14, 2010

As many of you may know, or in some instances, may not know. We lost our wonderful and lovable kitty Moose on what we believe was Valentine's Day. Jason had let him out after the girls and their moms arrived for dinner at our home before leaving in the Limo for Beauty and the Beast. We thought nothing of this, as he always goes out. He went under our van as soon as he ran outside and that was the last place anyone (including some of our neighbors had seen him). We spend the better part of Sunday evening calling for him repeatedly and all day Monday. Nothing. This is so unlike him to not come when he is called the first time. We began to think the worse. The pet police caught him, maybe he was hit by a car. Or even someone found him and brought him to their home. Tuesday morning came around. I was gearing up to meet a good friend of my Tanya at a local restaurant in Attleboro. Jason was sweet enough to get my car moved and warmed up for me since the weather was really wet and snowy. The kiddos were in the living room window watching daddy outside. 30 seconds later I heard the kids start crying and Jason opened the door to inform me he finally found Moose. I was like, geez, about time. Little did I know, that when we went closer to the door, moose was passed away on the ground under the car and frozen. My heart sank. I tried to keep it together for the kids, but lost it. Moose was more then just a "pet" to us. But a family member. We found Moose as a kitten after we lost our second baby. So he was so much more to me then just a "cat". The kiddos were sad of course. Owen kept asking me when his kitty would sleep with him. Emma couldn't understand why moose wasn't moving, and Olivia, poor Olivia who has dealt with death so much just said, "Ah, there goes someone else I love, whats one more?" Ugh. I hate that my seven year old feels this way and thinks that death is just "another run of live" Though it is, I still don't think a seven year old has to deal with death as much as she has. It just shouldn't be natural.

So, as a way to remember our sweet kitty, whom I am still grieving heavily over and trying hard to come out of this "funk" I want to show you a few pictures of him. Please enjoy.

Moose at 8 weeks old. He loved sleeping with Emma-James when she was a baby

We Love you Moose Kitty!

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