Saturday, December 5, 2009

First New England Snow

Yup, you read it right. The first snow fall of the winter season is upon us as we speak. Its been snowing here since 6pm. Yucky I tell ya. As much as my kiddos love watching the beautiful white stuff fall from the sky, I have to say, I am not a lover anymore. Its cold, its wet, and its a pain to drive in. It makes the roads slick, and dangerous. And people seem to be crazy when it comes to their driving skills. It will probably be a day where I sit inside and be thankful I can rest easy without having to brave the roads. Tomorrow is jam packed full of cleaning, laundry and organizing. WOOT! The kids were hoping to go outside to play, but no one has boots, hats, gloves, or snow gear, so its a "stay inside helping mommy out" sort of day. They don't mind. Tomorrow is a great day to do our yearly toy donation. We go through all the toys, books and clothes and donate a good bag or two of things to give away. Plus this year, the kids and Jason and myself decided to go shopping for other kiddos and save Santa visiting for another year. Plus, Santa was pretty good to the kids this summer. Along with Santa, the Easter bunny and Grammie and Grampa helped buy a nice big playground for them! But I think he might drop in for a small gift for each of them. They have been pretty good all year!

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