Saturday, June 4, 2011

Followers and Saturday

Thank you to all who has clicked on the follow button! I only have one new member and its already the 4th, so if you haven't clicked on "follow" please think of adding me to your list. My goal is 50 people by June 30th!!

Today is Saturday. Friday and Saturday's are house cleaning days. Laundry and bedding and the entire upstairs on Friday and then downstairs on Saturday. Saturday is also for running errands, grocery shopping and doing any last minute store stops that I didn't get to. Since Jason and I are so busy during the week, we really enjoy grocery shopping and running errands as a family. Its quality time we get to spend. Even if its just running around.

Sunday's we try to spend it somewhere together. The park, the ocean, the zoo, anywhere to get us out of the house. Sometimes we just stay home, doing yard work or catching up on things we didn't get to finish on Saturday. It seems the days just quickly go by, and before you know it. The day is gone.

I am excited for July to arrive. We will be heading up to Maine for a few weeks to see my sister and nephew. The kids will enjoy catching up, and I will enjoy not having to do any cleaning, laundry, vacuuming for a good week or two. That right there is as good of a vacation as I am going to get. Anyways, I must get back to cleaning. I have a few other posts floating in my head that I want to share, so look forward to that later on.

In the meantime, I would love to hear how you spend your weekends. What do you do? How do you spend it as a family?

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