Monday, March 1, 2010


Friday after Emma came home from Pre-School I braced myself for what a very L*O*N*G day/evening ahead of me. Jason was suppose to work a night time job after his regular hours at Confex so I knew that I was going to be heading into a battle zone. And of course, my mothers intuition was correct. Emma continued to throw up throughout the morning/afternoon and finally felt better and stopped around 4pm. I managed to squeeze a good hour break in before Owen started up at 5pm. I called Jason at work and asked him what time he thought he would be home. He informed me that his other job was CANCELED!! HURRAY! I told him to pick up some anti nausea medicine at the store and come home as soon as he could as Owen was now sick and I needed extra hands with him. The poor little guy was so uncertain as to what to do when he felt yuckies coming on. He managed to hit the rugs upstairs in his room as well as his toys and favorite blanket. And then came downstairs to curl up with me. I felt so badly for him because how does one explain to a 2 year old about throwing up in a bucket. Its not easy. But thankfully the medicine that Jason acquired helped him a lot and he only threw up about 3 times but had a massive tummy ache and was unable to sleep comfortably all night. And then it was my turn. I started in at 9pm and it was horrible. I was truly a mess. By midnight I finally sent Jason upstairs with Owen to sleep in the bed because I just wasn't comfortable and I went to lay on the couch so I could be closer to the bathroom. I managed to stop around 3am, but only got about an hour of sleep. I was so exhausted and was counting down the minutes until Jason woke up so I could go catch a nap. Though my dreams of that happening were quickly deflated when Jason woke up and started throwing up himself around 7:30. HURRAY! *NOT* Thankfully he only did the one time, but was pretty much out of commission the rest of the day laying on the couch. It was pretty tough and our first time having everyone be sick at the same time. I can't say I want to do it again (especially with one bathroom, but we did manage to make it work) anytime soon. For now though, everyone seems to be on the mend. Jason was up and ready to start the day on Sunday bright and early with the kids. After putting everyone to bed (including Ezme) at 6pm. Everyone needed the extra few hours of sleep. I managed to get a few more in while Jason took care of the kiddos. Its now almost 3 days since I first got sick and I am still trying to recop. I guess being pregnant makes it that much harder to bounce back. I am taking it easy today while continuing the house clean up. I am hoping to get at least the downstairs scrubbed today. The rest can wait until a later time. I wont be doing much from Wednesday-Friday, so it works out well for me to work during those days. Until then, I am happily going to go put everyone down for a nap and rest myself.

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