Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One More Week!

Oh my, this time next week we will find out what we are having!!! I am so excited. I already have my clues and I am almost 99% sure. But I am still just as excited as the day we found out about Olivia. It never gets old, that's for sure. Not to mention that this time Jason and I can finally enjoy going together without the other kiddos. I know that sounds kind of harsh, but because I am considering high risk with my history of T18, I am lucky that I can receive a high level 2 ultrasound. This usually takes about 45 minutes longer then the normal ultrasound you receive at 18-20 weeks. The kiddos get antsy and for them, its rather boring. So my parents said they wouldn't mind staying a few extra hours on Tuesday to watch the kiddos while we went. HURRAY!!! Still weird that this time last year we found out what we were having when I was pregnant with Ezme. So its just odd to be doing it all over again less then a year later. We are still debating if we will announce or not. I guess we will have at least a week to decide. Until then, if you haven't voted, you only have a week left. SO GO VOTE ALREADY!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well you can't really say we only have a week to vote if your not going to tell us what the sex is. You have to tell us anyway, Auntie has shopping to do!!!
