Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Old to New

Over the weekend my parents came to visit. They brought me an old antique crib (its roughly about 30+ years old, so for this, its antique!) I spend the better part of the weekend (ok, one afternoon/evening, late in the wee hours) sanding it down and repainting it. Sadly, my dorky self forgot to take a before picture. Just picture in your head would you, scrapes, teeth marks, bangs, bumps and chips, and really an old color of brown that one ever did see. I purchased some adorable bedding for Oliver at Babies R' Us. I was trying hard to find something that would match Owen's room too. Hard, but I did in the end. And its really cute. Sometime this winter or spring the girls will be moving into the mater bedroom and Owen and Oliver will be sharing a room.

Up close of the bedding and the mobile. Notice the little grasshopper

Another picture

The bedding up close. Love love love the little grasshoppers

The finished crib. Isn't it pretty

Just to add, Oliver is the first EVER to sleep in a big boy crib in my room. Usually they sleep in the pack-n-play for the first 8 months, then travel to their new rooms once they can roll over both ways and find there own pacies. I think I might just have to keep him in our room a bit longer then that now :-)

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